We offer scholarships of up to $3,000 for Arizona high school seniors enrolled and active in the Arizona NICA League. Winners must demonstrate leadership, character, and communication skills on and off the mountain bike, strong academic achievement, and a commitment to serving the local community.
Scholars have access to professionals and educators within our group as mentors and for advice about their higher education choices.

Selection Criteria

Single Track Arizona Riders Foundation Scholar candidates must:

  • Demonstrate outstanding leadership, character, communication skills, academic achievement, and philanthropic experience.
  • Demonstrate strong academic performance (minimum 3.0 PA).
  • Be a U.S. citizen
  • Graduating from a high school in Arizona during current academic school year
  • Plan to enroll full-time in an accredited two- or four-year college or university in the U.S. (Some non-U.S. schools may also qualify.)
  • Be an active, “ride and race ready” Arizona high school NICA (National Interscholastic Cycling Association) participant.
  • Race in at least two Arizona NICA League races in the current academic year.

Application Requirements:

  • Basic information about you, your high school, and your college plans
  • Your involvement in extracurricular activities in school and outside of school
  • Your involvement in community service
  • Your involvement in paid work
  • Any information about your involvement in the Arizona NICA League
  • Short essay on a pivotal leadership experience
  • Your high school transcripts (semifinalists only)
  • One letter of recommendation from a teacher/councilor and one from a current coach that is registered and green checkmarked in the AZ NICA  Pit Zone system (semifinalists only)

Single Track Arizona Riders Foundation Proudly Presents the
AZ NICA Type 1 Diabetes Racer Scholarship

Managing Type 1 Diabetes comes with daily challenges, but those challenges don’t stop young athletes from pursuing their passions and excelling in competitive sports. The AZ NICA Type 1 Diabetes Racer Scholarship supports students living with Type 1 Diabetes by covering the full season race package fee (valued at $150) for the Arizona Interscholastic Cycling Association League. This scholarship is designed for 6th-12th grade students who demonstrate resilience in managing their condition while staying active and participating in mountain bike racing.

Selection Criteria

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applicants must be a current 6th-12th grade student living with Type 1 Diabetes.
  • Applicants must be registered for the current year’s AZ NICA League and participate in at least three races during the season (additional races are encouraged but not required—we understand that managing blood sugars can be unpredictable, and sometimes it might mean missing a race day—no worries, we totally get it!).
  • The applicant should demonstrate a positive attitude in balancing the challenges of Type 1 Diabetes with the demands of competitive sports.

Application Process:

To apply, submit a brief essay (500 words or less) sharing how managing Type 1 Diabetes has shaped your experience as a student-athlete. Explain how participating in mountain bike racing has impacted your life and helped you overcome obstacles associated with your diagnosis. Highlight how you inspire others to stay active and manage their diabetes with determination and positivity.
Applicants must also submit a brief testimonial and recommendation from an AZ NICA certified Level 1 or above coach.

Scholarship Award:

The scholarship will cover the full season race package fee for the current AZ NICA League, allowing the recipient to enjoy the sport they love without financial burden. To be eligible, the recipient must participate in at least three races during the season. The $150 scholarship will be awarded as a reimbursement at the end of the year upon verification of race participation.

Application Deadline:

All applications must be submitted before the first race of the season. For the 2024 season, the deadline is February 1st.
This scholarship recognizes the resilience and determination of young athletes who refuse to let Type 1 Diabetes define them. By celebrating their achievements, we hope to inspire others to stay active, persevere, and never give up on their goals.

Characteristics of a Single Track Arizona Riders Foundation Scholar

Click HERE to find out more.